About Us

THUMAR GEMS is amongst one of the manufacturers is having specially in -2 & star diamonds. We manufacture high quality diamonds with ideal cut.

Rough manufacturing

THUMAR GEMS has established core centers of excellence in diamond manufacturing around the world. Our state-of the-art factories are both efficient and innovative, constantly upgrading to meet the highest technical skills.

Manufacturing skill

We manufacture volume production : from rounds (from -2 & star) We manufacture high quality diamonds with ideal cut. From last 30 years we manufacture DTC MB -5+3 article only. Now we are one of the leading manufacturers of MB -5+3. Our production is exceeds to more than 1 millions diamonds per month.

Global supply

Moreover, THUMAR GEMS maintains a strategic presence in key regions, while also taking the opportunity to develop our manufacturing know-how in less advanced economic areas. Our product portfolio is based on our ability to manage a globally coordinated network of manufacturing facilities.


THUMAR GEMS is an industry leader in the development and implementation of new technologies in -2 & star diamonds. Our ability to share best practice between our global manufacturing centers gives us a clear business advantage.